Mobile System Design Interview, Expandable Test in Jetpack Compose and more!

Add conditional Modifier without sacrificing its fluent API
Yamal Al-Mahamid guides you through the steps of adding a conditional Modifier without sacrificing its fluent API.
Additional Topics For Mobile System Design Interviews
Alex Lementuev shares useful Mobile System Design interview tips that will help you get hired.
ExpandableText in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Alican Tipi explains how to create an expandable text in Jetpack Compose
Navigating through multi-module Jetpack Compose applications
Pavlo Stavytskyi on how to use a Jetpack Compose Navigation API to efficiently navigate through features in multi-module apps.
Mobile System Design Exercise: File Downloader Library
Alex Lementuev analyzes File Downloader Library and shares tips for the Mobile System Design Interview.

Join us in this week’s webinar and learn what the new Jetpack Compose Chat SDK from Stream offers and how the team built it in just a couple of months.
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Sergii Zhuk . Greg Fawson . Uli Quasebarth . Andy Dyer . Brian Gardner . Mario Sanoguera . Omolara Adejuwon . Shahla Aliyeva